Bathroom Mirrors, Columbus, OH

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Customize your bathroom mirror with our selection of options.

Walk into any bathroom, and one of the first things you notice is the style and placement of the mirror over the vanity. Bathroom mirrors make a big impact on the use, functionality, and look of any bathroom space, so updating the one in your bathroom is a great idea if you want to change the style of this room.

Bathroom Mirrors in Columbus, Ohio

For a wide selection of premium bathroom mirrors provided by some of the top manufacturers in the industry, work with us at 31-W Insulation. More specifically, our selection of bathroom mirrors comes from the reputable manufacturer Virginia Mirror, a company known for its beautiful, stylish, and modern bathroom mirrors. You can also pick from a variety of customizable options, such as the thickness of the mirror, the shape and size, and whether or not you want a decorative frame.

Once you pick out your bathroom mirror, your work ends and ours begins! Our experienced technicians will carefully install the new bathroom mirror in your Columbus, Ohio home, making sure the mirror is attached securely to the wall to prevent issues in the future. Expect great results from our talented team, as well as superior customer service that sets our company apart.

For beautiful bathroom mirrors designed to enhance the stylistic appeal and functionality of any bathroom, turn to us at 31-W Insulation! Reach out to us today to set up a consultation and to find out more about our selection of bathroom mirrors.

Right here in Ohio, we also offer bathroom mirrors in Middletown & Dayton. 31w is also proud to serve many states throughout the Southeastern portion of the U.S. Read more about our services in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Missouri, Oklahoma, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee & Texas.