Blind Installation, Columbus, OH

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Professional blind installation assures your blinds will be the right size and will be installed right for optimal results.

There are two main reasons why here at 31-W Insulation, we advise that you contact us for professional blind installation. The first is that we take care of the measuring and ordering of your blinds so you can be confident of a perfect fit. The second is that we’ll install them perfectly, so they operate as you expect and look right.

Blind Installation in Columbus, Ohio

It can be challenging and almost impossible to get good results if you purchase blinds at a big box retailer and install them yourself. The reason is that they only carry standard sizes and your windows may not be standard. In addition, they carry only the most common blinds in the hopes that the majority of customers will find them appealing. If your taste runs different or you have a challenge you need addressed, common isn’t going to cut it. Another reason it is difficult to get professional results that way is experience is important and if you haven’t done blind installation often, it isn’t easy to get them level and avoid unsightly gaps.

If you want your blinds to fit perfectly and be installed to your complete satisfaction, reach out to us to schedule a consultation to learn about the blinds we offer and what makes our blind installation the best choice for your Columbus, Ohio home or business. We’ve been in business since 1972, so it is safe to say we do things right the first time! Call today to discuss our blind options.

Right here in Ohio, we also offer blind installation in Middletown & Dayton. 31w is also proud to serve many states throughout the Southeastern portion of the U.S. Read more about our services in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Missouri, Oklahoma, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee & Texas.