4 Reasons to Consider Cellulose Insulation

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One insulation option that many homeowners love is cellulose insulation. If you are looking into insulating a home, shop, or attic, then one great option is cellulose insulation. We feel confident recommending this type of insulation for the following reasons:

  1. Fire Safety – Cellulose insulation has a class 1 fire safety rating. This type of insulation can act as a fire retardant and provide your home with an extra layer of safety.

4 Reasons to Consider Cellulose Insulation

  1. Sound Insulation – Cellulose insulation is able to efficiently fill small gaps and holes with a dense insulation that helps to reduce noise from entering a home or room.
  2. Thermal Benefits – Cellulose insulation is good at fitting around pipes, odd spaces, and in small cracks or holes. It leaves very few air pockets that can decrease the thermal performance of the insulation. Cellulose insulation will work hard to keep your home at your desired temperature without forcing your HVAC system to work harder than it needs to.
  3. Borates for Mold Control – The Borates inside cellulose insulation are an excellent deterrent for mold formation. This type of insulation will help to protect your home from harmful and unwanted mold. 

We have several decades of experience insulating homes with cellulose insulation. We work hard to properly install your new insulation in a timely and professional manner. Our employees at 31-W Insulation are hardworking, experienced, courteous, and professional. Give us a call today!