When we install new garage doors, we use high-quality products from the top brands.
When you’re shopping for a new garage door, it’s important to understand the benefits of the different options available. Garage doors come in different materials, including wood and metal, so the first step is determining which type you’d like to have on your home. Most modern garage doors are made of metal, as wood can warp and become damaged over time, especially when it is exposed to the elements. At 31-W Insulation, we recommend metal garage doors to our clients as they are more durable and secure. Metal also tends to last much longer than other materials.
A new garage door can also be basically maintenance-free since the newer models made of metal can resist rust and corrosion. A dirty door is easy to clean with some gentle soap and water. You can also enjoy improved safety if your new garage door is made of tough metal that can’t be penetrated by potential intruders. These benefits make it easy to see why so many homeowners choose to upgrade their garage doors, and our team at 31-W Insulation can make this happen for you. We provide new garage doors for those in the Indianapolis, Indiana area.
When we install new garage doors, we use high-quality products from the top brands. Some of these include Amarr, Windsor Door, and Wayne Dalton. Contact us at 31-W Insulation to learn more about getting a new garage door at your home. We’ll be happy to provide you with a quote for your new door, which can improve the safety and appearance of your home.
FAQs About Getting a New Garage Door
Here at 31-W Insulation, we understand that getting a new garage door represents a significant expense for many households, and that you’ll want to make sure it’s really necessary to replace you existing door before you commit to it. To help you make the right decision when it comes to your garage, we have put together the answers to some of our most frequently asked questions about getting a new garage door below.
How can I tell if I really need a new garage door?
There are a variety of signs that can indicate that your garage door is nearing the end of its lifespan. For example, if it slows down significantly, or stops opening or closing at all. Other signs include the door sagging on one side (or in the center), slipping free of its track, or the opening mechanism starting to make loud grinding sounds. In some cases, you may be able to resolve these issues with the right repairs, but if you’ve had to have your door repaired multiple times in the past year then it’s best to replace it altogether.
Do I need professionals to install my new garage door?
Yes, garage door installation should always be done by professionals. Garage door springs are extremely dangerous due to the huge amount of tension they are under, and they have been known to cause serious injuries when they snap accidentally. Always have experts with the right training in how to handle these springs safely install your new garage doors.
Outside of Indiana, 31w also offer new garage door in many states throughout the Southeastern portion of the U.S. Read more about our services in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Missouri, Ohio, Oklahoma, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee & Texas.