Metal Garage Doors, Conover, NC

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We work with residential and commercial property owners to provide metal garage doors.

When garage doors first started becoming more popular among residential property owners, they were typically made of wood. Although wood is an excellent material for many applications, garage doors endure constant exposure to the changing climate conditions, which can cause them to warp and become damaged. A damaged or warped garage door is more difficult to open and close and may not seal out the outdoor air as well. Wood also doesn’t insulate very well, so garages with doors made from this material tend to feel cold in the winter and hot in the summer. The garage door industry has changed in the recent past, shifting toward metal garage doors as the standard.

Metal Garage Doors in Conover, North Carolina

Metal garage doors have a number of advantages over their wooden counterparts. Metal is a more durable material that can hold up well, even when exposed to rain, humidity, and sunshine. Various types of metal are available, so property owners can choose the option that works best with their budget while providing the level of protection needed. Metal garage doors are also available with insulation, which helps to maintain a more consistent temperature within the space. The material can be embossed or painted to add visual appeal to the structure as well.

At 31-W Insulation, we work with both residential and commercial property owners in Conover, North Carolina to provide metal garage doors. We can install new and replacement doors for our clients, as well as perform maintenance and repairs to keep existing doors in good condition. When installing a new door, we always use products from leading brands in the industry, such as Wayne Dalton, Amarr, and Windsor Door.