Custom Mirrors, Columbus, OH

Get the look you want and need with custom mirrors.

Mirrors are a fantastically stylish neutral element that you can use in just about any room. Not only do they allow you to do purposeful things like shave your face or comb your hair, but they are also great for bringing extra light into a room or creating a stylish focal point. If the mirrors that you are looking for are nowhere to be found or just not quite right, our team here at 31-W Insulation would love to help you get what you need with custom mirrors for your Columbus, Ohio property.

Custom Mirrors in Columbus, Ohio

If you can’t find the piece you are looking for in stores, it is often because that piece is waiting for you to make it! With our decades of experience in creating useful pieces, including custom mirrors, you can feel comfortable allowing us to help you out with this important task. We can start with the materials by determining how you want to use your custom mirrors, which often determines the ideal thickness of the glass. We then can look into specialized features — do you want a beveled edge, a specific shape, etc.? We can even add frames of all shapes, sizes and styles to your custom mirrors for a finished look.

Once your custom mirrors have been created, our services don’t stop there! We will work with you to ensure that your mirrors are hung properly as well, which is often a concern when your custom mirrors are particularly large or heavy. Due to our experience, we can make sure that no one will end up with shattered glass anytime soon due to poor mirror hanging. Contact us today to learn more about our custom mirrors at 31-W Insulation. 

Right here in Ohio, we also offer custom mirrors in Middletown & Dayton. 31w is also proud to serve many states throughout the Southeastern portion of the U.S. Read more about our services in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Missouri, Oklahoma, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee & Texas.