Is Foam Insulation Installation in Your Charleston Home a DIY Project?

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Foam Insulation DIY Charleston SCYou’ve decided to install foam insulation in your Charleston, South Carolina, home, but now you may be wondering if you can perform the installation yourself. Even the most highly skilled do-it-yourselfer may find that installing polyurethane insulation is a large task that can be loaded with unexpected challenges and hazards.

Here are some things to consider before tackling the installation of foam insulation in your Charleston home:

  • Spray insulation is the product of two chemical formulas and can be tricky to handle. Care must be used in mixing the formulas in order to keep the chemical mix at optimum temperatures. If improperly mixed, the combination of the formulas can produce temperatures hot enough to start a fire. Additionally, an improper mixture can also result in a foam product that doesn’t cure and will not perform properly.
  • Installing foam insulation requires special equipment that you may not possess. Professionals use high-pressure sprayers to install the polyurethane foam formula quickly, and it takes an experienced hand to install the foam evenly, ensuring proper coverage that is not too thin, which can result in gaps, or too dense, which can cause the expanding foam to buckle floors or walls.
  • You will need protective gear in order to safely install spray insulation. Recommended gear includes protective eyewear and clothing, as well as a respirator.

If you want to enjoy the benefits of foam insulation without the hassle and hazards of installing it yourself, contact the professionals at 31-W Insulation.